
Actual fitness goals Wear a variety of shoes. Bearfoot and dress. Walk a lot. Yoga is good. Enough strength to do basic things. Lift stuff up. Put heavy things up high and carry things around. Also throwing and running is good. Eat stuff that does not wreck your gut. Good Posture; trim waistline Not fitness goals Becoming very buff, probably risk of overuse injuries and not practical with clothing.
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Meguro bleach bypass

Today, I was testing the Fuji XE-4 with the Voigtlander 35mm lense. All of these photos were taken using the Eterna Bleach Bypass film simulation. I did try applying different film simulations to the .RAF files, but then my images would look inconsistent. It can be difficult to decide on a simulation especially if multiple simulations look good on the same photo. Anyways, here are a few samples. Photos of Will Photos of Nana Thank you guys for modeling.
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Ebisu Photo Walk

Last thursday we went to Ebisu to take some photos. This session is part two of the Yamanote Night Photo Walk. I felt a little undergunned with my crop sensor when everyone had beefy full-frame cameras with their amazing dyanmic range and low-light. I do tend to shoot at night so maybe something a bit more specialized will be in the works. Today, I used the A6000 with the 18-50 2.
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